Japan One Television: Tokyo Breakfast: More Engrish than you can shake stick at, neeeeeeegaaaaaaaaaaaah.

Those wacky Japanese. Say what you will, but they never cease to amaze me. Through years of research and watching anime, I've determined that there are five things that the Japanese do best:

1. Make cartoons, often featuring amazing amounts of blood and explosions.

2. Act as borderline racists.

3. Have an enormous obsession with American hip-hop culture, in spite of #2.

4. Feature explicit porn, often featuring tentacles or anthropomorphic demons (often in conjunction with #1).

5. Butcher the English language.

Every once in a while, something evolves in nature that is an optimal combination of many things any race of creatures excels at. And I found that evolution while exploring the TerpIdiots upload vault a week or two ago, when I found a clip someone uploaded from some Japanese TV show. It incorporates 3 of the 5 above qualities; just throw in some violent porn cartoons and things might be different the next time Godzilla comes by to stomp Tokyo.

In any case, you should see it for yourself.